-------------------- How to develop a binding in AXEL-FORMS  ----------------------

Stéphane Sire
Last update: 2012-12-19

Binding functionalities

A binding is an object that registers callbacks to editing events on an entry field (typically the 'axel-update' event triggered when the user has changed the field's content). Then the binding checks some constraints in the callback and displays a warning somewhere if the constaints is violated or take some other action. To check the constraint the binding uses the $axel wrapped set to read the value of one or more entry fields.

This simple architecture allows to define single field constraints (such as checking a regular expression, see the 'regexp' binding), or to define constraints over multiple fields (such as checking that repeated fields do not hold twice the same value, see the 'unique' binding).

The '$axel.binding.setValidation' methods allows bindings to extend a primitive editor with an 'isValid' method to validate the field on demand. The underlying architecture allows to chain several validation methods on a single field. This is useful to develop global validation services, for instance to validate a full document before submission as done by the 'save' command.

The "data-binding" attribute declares a binding onto a host element. Usually this is an ancestor of the XTiger element with the primitive editor field to monitor. 

The host element can also define other "data-" attributes to declare parameters for the binding. The convention is to prefix the attribute name with "data-{name}" where '{name}' is the binding identifier used to register the binding.

The binding can also define some "data-" attributes to be set anywhere in the document template, to have side effects.

For instance the optional error feedback module, which can be inherited by a binding class, uses a "data-error-scope" and a "data-{name}-error-" scheme to control where to display error messages associated with a constraint violation in a binding. The 'condition' binding also uses such as scheme to hide / show some document fragments depending on the value of a single entry field.
Inherited binding methods

Every binding instance inherits the following methods :


Returns the name under which the binding instance has been registered.


Returns the document that contains the binding instance.


Returns the value of the parameter or undefined if it does not exists. You must be aware that parameters are parsed as strings when instantiating the binding.
Optional inherited error feedback

If you declare the {error: true} option when registering the binding, it will inherit the following method :

toggleError(valid, node)

If valid is true, hides the target DOM node error message.

If valid is false, shows the target DOM node error message.

The method returns valid.
Filter registration

The $axel.binding.register method takes as parameter a binding identifier ...

$axel.binding.register( 'identifier', { error : true } | null, // option hash { key : 'value' | $axel.binding.REQUIRED } | null // parameter hash _BindingMethods // method hash );
The option hash only supports a single 'error' option. The parameter hash defines the default values for the extra parameters which can be declared ... The method hash ... The "this" object inside methods will refer to the binding instance. Note that it is always possible to use a closure to define binding's private variables and methods.
Binding parameters

Scope of Bindings
Binding file skeleton

The code below can be used as a template for writing a new binding. Note that in all the bindings methods, the this object will refer to the binding instance.

(function ($axel) { // you may use the closure to declare private objects and methods here var _Binding = { /////////////////////////////// // Binding Life cycle method // /////////////////////////////// onInstall : function ( host ) { // code to be executed at binding creation // host is a JQuery wrapped set containing the binding host element } ///////////////////// // Binding methods // ///////////////////// methods : { // implements binding functionalities }, }; $axel.binding.register( 'name', { error : true } | null, // optional mixin module error { key : 'value' | $axel.binding.REQUIRED } | null, // optional parameters _Binding ); }($axel));